Season Cancelled
Due to the coronavirus pandemic the entire 2020 season has been cancelled. A popup league has been organised for August and September for clubs wanting to play some friendly matches.
Welcome to the 2020 season.
This seasons there are a few changes which are detailed below.
In 2020 a mixed section has been added for non veteran players.
Two new playing formats will be used in the Ladies section:
- Ladies groups LA to LD fixtures will be a total of 12 regular sets.
- Ladies groups LE1, LE2, LF1, LF2 will be a total of 9 sets, with sets being first to 9 games.
- Teams will still consist of 6 players.
- Ladies fixtures will now commence at 6:30pm.
- Full details are available at Outcomes of Senior League Forum.
This season will be managed completely online:
- There will be no green book printed. All information will be provided via the website.
- All fixture results will be reported using a new online scorecard available on each fixture's page.

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